That is a very nice base!
Are you going to buy the strips of acrylic and glue them all together
to form your TANK?!
That sounds scary to me... especially after 300 gal's would be in
it... I have seen how they can literally explode due to the very high
If you are going to build it yourself, I'd sure like to know some of
the key points...
I'd like to slap a small
(12" x 12" x 24") tank for some guppies.
Have a nice vacation!!
Thank you & have fun,
Joe Lyddon
Nah, there is no sense to build the acrylic
myself, it's actually cheaper just to buy it, all the forms and jigs
I'd need... with overflows, it will cost me about $1700.
It's made out of 3/4 inch acrylic.
A 4x8 sheet cost already $600, plus the time and the sheer weight.
But I will do all the plumbing.
That's the fun part.
Also, your 12x12x24 is not more than $50-80 and you would get it with
rounded corners.
I'll be finished hopefully in about 3 weeks, no more than a month if
they deliver on time.
I'll post a picture with inhabitants.
Oh, by the way Joe, you never got my post about
potassium dichromate,
(get it here)
The darker trim and door frames are stained with it.