Make a story stick for each project...
Record the measurements of L, W, H and internals on one,
unchanging stick.
But I suspect most of your dilemma is stock management, not lack of gizmos.
Your project stock should be kept on a cart with your
cut list taped to the cart handle to
move from station to station, whether machines or hand tools.
1) Rough stock is rough cut (overlong) to length
from the cut list you prepared from your plan....
along with one stick of extra stock for every major thickness.
I number each part on the cut list and
mark the endgrain with a corresponding number in pencil to
keep track of them, including the spares.
2) Flatten and thickness plane it together,
using the same tool settings.
3) Joint and rip it to width all together
using the same tool settings.
4) Cut it to finished lengths together,
using stop blocks on your tools
so you only have to measure once.
5) Lay out and cut your joints all together...
... etc. et al...
Get my drift?
That's how you get precision,
not with measuring tapes or straight edges.
Make sure you also don't mix tapes and measures...
use one tape or
one rule
for the entire project....and
scribe your lines with knife (across grain) and
awl (with grain),
minimizing your use of sloppy pencils.
Personally, I just think you are gonna make a lot more,
not less trouble for yourself with long T-squares.
The longer the square, the more one speck of sawdust will mess you up.
Even when nicely square...they are still pretty sloppy because positioning
the base is firmly is so critical and long bars will flex on you.
I don't use a panel gage any longer than 10" for the same reason.
Simply measure up from each end and use a straightedge to scribe...
any aluminum yardstick will do.
Then monitor your diagonals
as you fit each internal component to your squared-up square casework.

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Good-Lyddon Data Systems
Copyright © 2004-2007 Joe Lyddon, WoodWorkStuff.net